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Competitive Intelligence Calculator Crack Activation Free [32|64bit] Latest


Competitive Intelligence Calculator Crack + Free Download CIC (Competitive Intelligence Calculator Cracked Version) is designed to help companies/businesses/individuals that are looking for competitive intelligence to identify and control risks that are much less obvious to everyone but you. CIC creates a unique score (for each of three dimensions: risk identification, risk monitoring, and management actions) that summarizes the overall estimated competitive intelligence capabilities of your company/business. Competitive Intelligence Calculator Free Download Components: CIC is designed to allow for two types of input: (a) a description of your company/business, including: business line(s), ownership, gross revenue, number of employees and (b) a list of your company's sources of competitive intelligence, including: publications, consulting firms, investment firms, Internet sources, friends and relatives, etc. CIC computes an overall risk score for each of three dimensions (risk identification, risk monitoring, and management actions) based on your input, and displays the results in various ways. A printout of the summary of your results, as well as a summary of your results by category (business line, ownership, etc.), is provided to you. CIC will provide additional detailed summary of results by line of business (through drop-down menus), and by revenue (through a simple scroll bar). A tabular view of your results is provided as well. CIC provides a step-by-step tutorial to guide you through the use of CIC. You can adjust the parameters of the analysis, such as the number of sources used, the level of detail you require (a summary, a detailed summary, or a full report), etc. Competitive Intelligence Calculator Cracked 2022 Latest Version Examples: 1. An example of a description of a company's business. It includes the type of business, ownership, revenue, employees and the sources of competitive intelligence. 2. A company has a gross annual revenue of $10 billion, 6,000 employees and spends about $40 million a year on competitive intelligence. It is looking for ways to better identify risks and improve their overall competitive intelligence capabilities. It wants to gather information from the following sources: consulting firms, investments firms, friends and relatives, the Internet, and one magazine (which includes a complete list of the company's products and prices, names of the company's customers, etc.). 3. A list of sources of competitive intelligence for a company's business line. 4. This description of a company's business includes a description of its type, ownership, gross revenue, number of employees and the sources of Competitive Intelligence Calculator Crack With Serial Key For Windows 1a423ce670 Competitive Intelligence Calculator Crack+ Free Download [Win/Mac] (Final 2022) CIC is a windows-based application based on Excel and designed to help you in the following tasks: * Calculate and compare your company's competitive intelligence capability on three dimensions: risk identification, risk monitoring, and management actions * Analyze and compare your company's competitive intelligence capability against other companies in the same industry. CIC is designed to be run by an individual as a desktop program, and it is also designed to be run on a network for regional and/or continental comparisons. * Optional graphical output version can be run on a computer for desktop viewing. Key functions: * Input of your company's size (number of employees, number of products, total net sales, total net profit, etc.) * Ability to load an existing data file or access data from an Internet or local database. * Option to add new or delete existing file fields (e.g. databases, directories, company code, etc.). * Ability to generate a data file with company information and/or top competitors' companies in a specified industry. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having a specific capability. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having a specific capability. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having a specific capability and company name (similar to national and international industry comparisons). * Ability to generate a data file with top competitors' companies and company capabilities (similar to national and international industry comparisons). * Ability to generate a data file with top competitors' companies and company capabilities. * Ability to generate a data file with top competitors' companies, capabilities, and company names. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having capability as a percentage of total companies. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having capability as a percentage of total companies. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having capability as a percentage of total companies and company names. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having capability as a percentage of total companies and company names. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having the same capabilities (first-last, last-first). * Ability to generate a data file with companies having the same capabilities and company names. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having the same capabilities, company names, and company locations. * Ability to generate a data file with top competitor's companies having specific capability. * Ability to generate a data file with companies having the same capabilities. * What's New In? System Requirements: Minimum: OS: 64-bit Windows 10 (10.0.14393.0) or Windows Server 2012 R2 (9.1.3114.0) 64-bit Windows 10 (10.0.14393.0) or Windows Server 2012 R2 (9.1.3114.0) CPU: Intel Core i5-2400 (2.70 GHz) or AMD FX-6300 (3.50 GHz) Intel Core i5-2400 (2.70 GHz) or AMD FX-6300

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